In this section you will find tips, advice, diet recipes, and diet plans recommended by Mums in Bahrain members

2011 is almost over, and all of those long-forgotten new year's resolutions from the beginning of 2011 have been forgotten. So what's the key to keeping a new year's resolution?

We've got the top Health New Year's Resolutions for 2012, and how you can keep them! Just go through and choose which goals you'd like to achieve!

1. Lose weight: It's the same resolution every year, isn't it? But here are three easy tips that will help you keep fulfill it!

        Control your portions: Learn about portion control and how to portion your plate by either purchasing a diet book or consulting your local Dietitian. (which may cost a little extra but will definitely give you more reliable information than a book). Once you stop overeating losing weight will be a cinch!
        Be active: We know, no one has time to exercise, so here's an easy way to be active; just build it into your routine. Take the stairs, do more chores, don't be afraid to park further from the mall entrance. These little boosts will help you burn extra calories!
        Restaurant control: Oh no! The whole diet goes out the window once you visit a restaurant, but learn to control your environment. Remove the salt shaker, and ask them to take away the bread basket after one piece. Don't be afraid to ask the waiter for dressing on the side for your food.

2. Look better: We'd love for the clock to strike midnight and find our skin clearer, our hair stronger, and our legs smoother, so invest in a visit to the Dermatologist who can help figure out your problems. Want to get rid of excess hair? Your dermatologist will help lead you to the new laser treatments for hair removal, which will provide instant smoothness!

3. Feel better: take advantage of your insurance policy's yearly health check-up. Getting a few tests done is well worth a while. Who knows? You might discover that what you thought was a major physical problem could be solved easily!

4. Know how to incorporate health into your daily life: We've got this one figured out for you! Starting 2012 we'll be providing daily health tips on our Twitter account which provide easy tips for you to follow. If you want more articles, we'll be publishing them on a twice weekly basis on our blog! If you want health offers, like us on Facebook and we'll keep you updated on the latest offers at Royal Bahrain Hospital!

To book an appointment with one of our doctors or medical specialists, call us on 1724 6800 or visit


by Nada Jawahery, RD

What is Fresh Start?
The Fresh Start program at the Royal Bahrain Hospital is dedicated to helping you achieve your slimming and health goals.

Fresh Start is a first-of-its-kind comprehensive medical program that includes the most current methods to helping you become a Fresh You in 3 months!

It is essential to individualize treatment because we all differ in lifestyle, medical background, behaviour and physical activity.

The medical team includes our Dietician (Nada Jawahery, RD), physiotherapist, physician, and our cosmetologist (optional).

What can Fresh Start do for me?
Our panel of medical professionals will help you become slimmer and healthier. They will work to help you reach your personal lifestyle goals.

Fresh Start promises that it will equip you with all the tools you need for healthy living including advice on what to eat, exercise routines, and even healthy meals delivered to your home!

Complete the Fresh Start program and you won’t need to go through another health transformation!

An all-inclusive package with an entire panel of support (Dietician, Nada Jawahery, physiotherapist, physician and cosmetologist) that will keep you on track to meet your goals.

Backed by medical professionals and research, you’ll change your life without health risks and lose weight safely.

A program guaranteed to make you healthier, fitter and feel happier about yourself.

Our Fresh Start package aims to help you become the healthier and happier you.

Call 1724 6800 book your first  FREE consultation with Nada Jawahery and our Fresh Start Panel.

By Majda Ahland

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

It is very useful to plan both workouts and meals for the week in advance so that you can ensure that you stay on track with your goals.

While you do eat some of the same basic things daily you need to give yourself variety within meals, and you need to eat foods that are flavourful. In other words you can’t eat rice and chicken every meal.

So take a day to sit down with all your favourite cookbooks and put together a list of recipes after you have tweaked them and modified them to the diets 6 basic principles.

You’ll note that you do not weigh food or count calories. As outlined in the diet, you simply eat real food and eat often. Furthermore if you are full STOP eating, instead of forcing yourself to finish the portion.

We believe that the stress of having to “count” every calorie or point of the food that you eat can not only cause more harmful stress than is necessary but also can lead to unhealthy relationships with foods.

This is a sample meal plan and the associated recipes in a simple, downloadable format for you to review.

NOTE: All side salads typically include spinach or mixed greens, spring onion, tomato and apple slices. You can put whatever you like in your salad as long as it’s fresh. A typical dressing is extra virgin olive oil or flax oil with lemon juice, salt & pepper. To this you can get creative by adding balsamic, mustard, spices, stevia, honey, seeds etc.

6 simple principles
  • Eat 5-6 times a day.  For example 3 meals with 2 snacks in between.
  • Food ratio has to be 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruit, oats, quinoa, barley, wild rice, couscous, etc), 20% good fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts, etc)
  • No white rice, potatoes, pasta or bread. Brown is fine.
  • Drink 1.5 -2 litres of water a day.
  • Allow yourself a cheat day; this is not a binge day. Pick 1 or 2 things you have been craving all week and indulge. You will find though, that by the time you are 3-4 weeks into this diet you will lose cravings for naughty foods because your body will be used to cleaner fuel and will prefer it over junk food.
  • Must have at least 4 of these foods every day:
    1. Lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish, prawns
    2. Spinach and other dark leafy greens
    3. Berries    
    4. Grains for fibre (oatmeal, barley, quinoa, wild rice)
    5. Low fat or fat free dairy preferably either milk or yogurt although cheese is fine, limit your portions
    6. Nuts and other good fats (peanut or almond butter, olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado, salmon)
    7. Beans and legumes

    If you are diabetic or PCOS then number berries are not an option, stick with options a and b.   

    Just because bread isn’t permitted doesn’t mean you can’t have it. You will have to make your own using quinoa or oats. Follow a traditional bread recipe and replace flour with finely milled oats. You can make lasagne using cabbage leaves or slices of eggplant in place of pasta. You can also make oatmeal crackers for snacks. Also can make a Mexican layer casserole using corn tortilla chips.

    If you drink, a glass of red wine is permitted with dinner.

    Dairy products are allowed and contribute to both the carbohydrates and protein portions but keep it skimmed or low fat. Beans and legumes also count towards both carbohydrates and proteins.

    You should consume the bulk of your calories between your breakfast and lunch meals and keep dinners lighter. You should also aim to consume the bulk of your carbohydrates during breakfast and lunch. This will give you enough energy to workout and keep you fuelled till the evening.

    Aim to have a protein shake or green barley mixed with grapefruit juice after a workout.

    You can make the occasional dessert and here are some ideas:

    Chocolate cake made of quinoa/oatmeal/ whole wheat depending on which portion of the diet you are on. Use diabetic chocolate or semi-sweetened chips available at pharmacies and large supermarkets. Sweeten with artificial sweetener. You can make cheesecake and use crumbled nuts and honey for a crust and again artificial sweeteners in place of sugar. Get creative, but remember these should be occasional.